Top 10: The most popular Microsoft Office tips and tricks

It’s been there for 25 years Microsoft Office package. The software package from Office, ExcelOutlook, PowerPoint etc. is just as much an integral part of everyday life in work and private life for most people today as the Microsoft operating systems how windows 10.

Here we have put together 10 tips and tricks that should make it easier for you to work with the versatile and practical programs.

Office autocorrect

Everyone makes a typo – there is an autocorrect function for that. If you keep mistyping the same words, you should add those words to the autocorrect list.

You can find this list in Word, for example, in the “File” tab and “Options” on the left-hand side. In the “Document Check” sub-item, there is an “AutoCorrect Options” button. Here you can enter the word under “Replace” that you regularly mistype (in the wrong spelling) and under “With” the correctly spelled word.

The software program also adopts the autocorrect settings in one application for the other programs. So if you in Word program the autocorrection, you can also use these settings in Outlook etc. use.

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create screenshots

With Word 2013 came the new feature to create screenshots directly with Word. To create a screenshot, go to the “Insert” tab in Word and in the “Illustrations” field you will find the “Screenshot” button. This button hides a drop-down menu from which you can select different windows and a specific section.

Word now automatically inserts this screenshot into the document, where you can move and adjust it like other graphics.

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Another way to take a screenshot of a certain area of ​​the screen is, for example, the key combination Windows + SHIFT + S. If you have taken such a screenshot, you still have to insert it into the document with CTRL + V.

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Caching Office files

Nothing is more annoying than having your computer crash and losing work on a document you’ve been working on for the last few hours. If you cached regularly, that’s not a problem, but everyone has forgotten that at some point.

To prevent this from happening, Word offers an automatic recovery function. This automatically creates a backup copy of the document at certain intervals.

To set these distances yourself, go to the “File” tab and click on the “Options” button on the left edge of the screen. In the options, navigate to the “Save” field, where you put a check mark next to the “Save AutoRecover information every” field and enter a specific interval.

Jump to the last line of text in the Office document

When you’re editing something within your text, it’s annoying when you want to quickly jump back to the last line of text. This is especially bad if it’s a long document and you have to scroll several pages until you find the place where you were actually working. With the key combination SHIFT (the key on the left and right of the keyboard with the thick up arrow) and F5 you immediately jump back to the place in your document where you were last working.

Encrypt Office documents

To protect your document from unauthorized access, you can encrypt it with a password. This function is particularly useful if you want to send the document by email, for example, and want to make sure that only the recipient can open it.

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You can find the function in Word in the “File” and “Protect document” tabs. In the drop-down menu, select the “Encrypt with password” function. In the window that now opens, type in the password and confirm with “Ok. You confirm the password in the next window.

To remove the password, proceed as described above, but leave the password entry field blank.

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Passwords for editing Office files

If you don’t want to encrypt the document yourself, but you don’t want everyone to edit it, you can only assign a password for editing the file. To do this, navigate in Word through “File” to the drop-down menu to “Protect Document.”

To only protect the document against changes with a password, simply accept the default settings set here. For example, to allow comments, you can select the appropriate function in the dropdown menu. Confirm your changes with “Yes, apply protection now.”

Just as with the general password for the document, you can remove this password again by proceeding as above – but without setting a password.

Forgot Office password?

If you want to reopen or edit a document but have forgotten the editing password, you can still change the text by copying the text into a new document.

To do this, create a new Word document and copy the text from the old one into the new one. The easiest way to do this is to use the “Text from file” function, which you can find in the “Text” field on the “Insert” tab. Here you select the “Text from file” function in the “Object” drop-down menu and look for the corresponding document in the window.

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Send Word documents as email

If you want to send your document or just the text of your Word file as an email, you can simply click at the top right next to the arrows for “Undo” or “Redo” and select the “Email” function there.

After clicking on “Email” a symbol for the email function appears in the bar with the arrow. Clicking on this new button opens Outlook and a new message. The Office document is already noted as an attachment to the message.

Fast switching between open Office documents

If you work with several Office documents at the same time and want to switch back and forth between different files, working with the mouse is often annoying. It’s much easier if you switch between the Office files with the key combination CTRL + F6.

Merge Office documents

If you want to make one Word document out of several, you can merge the different documents. To do this, you must first open a new document. In this empty document, switch to the “Insert” tab and select the small arrow next to the “Object” button in the “Text” area and click on the “Text from file” function.

A new window will open by holding down the CTRL key and selecting all the files you want to merge.

The Office package is a versatile software package that has rightly become an integral part of modern office life. Many functions are self-explanatory, but if you continue to familiarize yourself with the programs, as with these tips, you can first get to know the full range of functions – and you won’t want to do without it anymore.

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